Welcome to the Pitman HS Athletics Department
Key Contacts:
Links & Resources
Health & Contracts
Sports Signups & Athletic Paperwork:
Physicals are valid for 12 months from the date of the last exam. DO NOT DELAY in getting your physicals done and submitted!
The NJDOE and NJSIAA are no longer requiring the Physical Forms to be submitted to the school district, only the final clearance eligibility form from your Health Provider which is in the physical packet. The original copy of the physical form should be kept on file with your home healthcare provider.
Allergy and Asthma forms are required if it is documented.
**ASK FIRST - Has your primary care physician completed the NJ Cardiac Arrest Module? If not, the physical will NOT be valid.
Once your physicals are approved by our school physician, you will receive an approval letter via email to the address you provided during the registration process.
Coaches will also receive all contact information once a student is approved. Practice information will be distributed by the coaching staff.
Forms can also be picked up in the high school main office. **Please note...every line item must be completed. The physician signs the form and affixes his office stamp in the rectangular box. If you have any questions, please call the Athletic Director's office.
Athletic Information:
To be eligible for athletic participation during the first semester of a school year, a pupil must have passed 27.5 credits as required by the State of New Jersey during the immediately preceding academic year. To be eligible for participation during the second semester, a pupil must have passed 13.75 credits as required by the State of New Jersey at the close of the preceding semester. This reflects the eligibility requirements of N.J.S.I.A.A. to which we adhere and support.
Starting with the class of 2014, students must earn 15 credits after the 1st semester & earn 30 credits for the school year to be eligible.
A student who has commenced participation in an athletic program will remain eligible for the remainder of that sports season as per N.J.S.I.A.A. eligibility requirements. Students who are medically excused from physical education are not eligible to participate in interscholastic athletics unless specifically approved by the principal.
An athlete becomes ineligible for high school athletics if he/she attains the age of nineteen prior to September 1st.
Pitman High School Academic Requirements for Student-Athletes
Any student who fails 2 or more subjects, in marking periods 1-3 will become ineligible to participate or the following marking period within the current school year. Reinstatement may occur when grades are reevaluated at the end of the following marking period.
Students who withdraw from a class with a failing grade are regarded in the same manner as stated above.
Students with an incomplete may not participate until all work has been finished (maximum 10 days for completion)
Transportation of Student-Athletes
Student-athletes are expected to travel with their team to and from away contests. The only exception would be by prearrangement made with the parents, coach, and athletic director. Parents must submit a note to the athletic director releasing their child from the school's travel arrangements. If travel will be with the parent of another athlete, the parent must give the athletic director a photocopy of the license, registration, and insurance policy.